Pre-Check Excel Document

When importing a spreadsheet, a pre-validation check of the Excel file is performed. Results are either of type Info, Warning or Error and then separated into categories. Explanations and remediation information of the various pre-validation messages are found while hovering over each category (via a tooltip). For errors, the reason the user cannot continue is also specified. The following pre-checks are performed:



Missing Optional Columns (information-level, no action)

These are columns configured for Excel import, but missing from the upload. These columns are not required, so this is only an informational message. The spreadsheet will be imported.

Missing Required Columns (error-level, hard stop) –

These are columns that are missing from the upload, but are required in order to insert records. The import is interrupted. These columns/values should be added to the import in order to continue.

Extra Columns (information-level, will ignore)

These columns exist in the spreadsheet, but are not configured for import on the DSP page.  The spreadsheet will not import data from the columns listed.

Duplicate Columns (error-level, hard stop)

These are columns that appear more than once in the upload. The import is interrupted. The user should revise the sheet and decide which is the proper column to import before continuing.

Drill Criteria (warning, will override sheet)

This is the drill criteria for the current page. These values will override any found in the upload. The spreadsheet will be imported.


Identity Field (warning, will ignore)

A column included in the import is an identity field for the underlying table. Values in this column will be overridden by auto-incrementing identity value on import. The spreadsheet will be imported.


Shared Criteria (warning, will override sheet)

These are shared fields on the current page that belong to the primary key. These values will be auto-inserted on import and will override any values found in the upload.